You are serious about taking the live lecture classes at Pharmacy Prep but you live far from our campuses located in Toronto,Canada.
At Pharmacy PREP we have 2 options for our online plus home study.
Option 1 (Digital Only): With this package you will have access digial copies of all the books viewable online within our exam portal.
Option 2 (Printed Books): With this package you will receive 4 pharmacy PREP BOOKS which includes our world famous "Evaluating Exam Review and guide" , and also with this package you will also receive 3 question & answer books on all topics.
Both options include online access to our proprietary on-line exam prep station which is located at
We post all updated class lectures so you can watch them whenever it’s most convenient for you.
Also online you will find important concepts presented in animations for several chapters which helps in understanding new concepts.
You can also review any lecture as often as you want, whenever you want.
The most exciting part is
"Q.Alerts". pointers to the possible exam type questions for each chapters of the books. During the course new mock exams will be created and linked so you can practice as many times you like as well.
The ultimate part of the home study package provided to you is on-line access to the pharmacy PREP Q Bank and Online Tips.
Our Test yourself Quizzes are great for testing and analyzing your readiness for the real exam.
With our home study plus on-line access, students can create a profile which allows for direct contact and interaction with our instructors for clarification of your Questions.
The unparalleled online plus home study courses have been proven to be successful for over decade in preparation for pharmacy evaluating exams
The online access will provide you with the following: