Pharmacy Prep is now enrolling for the Pharmacist Evaluating Exam “QBank and MOCK exams”.
We are pleased to inform you that we have been offering highly structured study material over 19 years and trained nearly 10,000 pharmacy students for licensing exam preparations. Pharmacy Prep Online Plus Home Study helps you to get real results. Pharmacy Prep Question Bank, and MOCK Exams and Review Books have been stepping stones for success. The QBank with answers & explanation and MOCK exam contain most recent updates multiple-choice questions covering every topic in-depth that gets you real success. Multiple choice questions strategies and clues for case scenarios were provided with answers.
With this course package, you will gain access to online Q&A and mock tests access for 1 year. This is a self-paced program so you decide when you study.
Pharmacy prep offers Pharmacists evaluating exam preparation MCQ QBANK with thousands of Q&A as chapter wise from all 3 sections of the syllabus. The mock or simulated computer-based test. Our pharmacist Evaluating Exam Question Bank and Mock Exams are only the best way to get real success.
Pharmacist Evaluating Exam QBank and MOCK EXAMS package includes THE FOLLOWING:
- Pharmacist MCQ question bank with answers and explanations.
- MOCK EXAMS that covers all the competencies as outlined by NAPRA
- Test yourself COMPUTER BASED MOCK EXAMS simulated as the real exam.
- Video lectures for each chapter
- Digital Evaluating Exam Review Q&A Books
- Digital Evaluating Exam Review and Guide (Dr. Misbah Book)
- The course is valid for 1 year.
Course Fee: $690+ Tax = $779
We hope the information is sufficient to answer all your questions, if you still have any concerns, please do not hesitate to email or call us at 416-223-7737.
Thank you once again and look forward to hearing from you.
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